Help Japan with your WordPress site!

You can use your WordPress site to help Japan! Just install a plugin and a banner will show your visitors how they can pitch in and donate to the Red Cross. Also, designers from all over are creating ways to help Japan through design, see below.

Plugin Info:

[UPDATED] now available in the official WP repo, Download here or install from your Plugin menu.

The simple plugin I created that adds the provided images and Red Cross Donation link to your WordPress site. The CSS adds 75px of padding-top to the body, so you may need to tweak as needed.

Images are being served off our CDN so you don’t sweat the hit (would be minor anyhow [+50k] to page load or bandwidth). Feel free to change the image paths at the top of the wpjapan.php file to use your own images if you like.

First the tsunami, now these reactors look like they may melt down.  Pray.

How the Red Cross will use your donation:

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters.

Other Ways to pitch in

  • Buy a poster and 100% of the money will go towards relief
  • offers 7 ways to help out as well
  • Buy a t-shirt
  • More posters and shirts that support Japan here
  • Pray

How are you helping out?

John Bunka - Simplex Studios

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